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A Short History of the BRB

The Graduate & Professional Student Center opened in February 1992 in the historic Big Red Barn, formerly the stable for the A.D. White House. The grand opening was attended by President Frank H.T. Rhodes and Provost Mal Nesheim, faculty, graduate and professional students and staff.

In the years leading up to the BRB opening as a Grad Center, a group of students began to develop a plan to establish a central campus location for grad and professional students to gather for social interaction and programs. These programs included the international coffee hour, dance lessons, TGIF (Tell Grads It’s Friday) and other community-building events. An extensive new graduate and professional student orientation program began in the mid 1980’s and provided an opportunity for students across dozens of fields of study to get to know each other. The Henry Grad Center was a precursor to the Barn. Students, faculty and staff met periodically in the Sage Graduate Residence living room and began to offer get-togethers. These proved so successful that the grad steering committee decided to request a permanent home. Due in large part to the support of Provost Nesheim, the Big Red Barn was offered to the grad student group as a location.

Many grad and professional students participated in the steering committee and planned programs and activities. They worked closely with Professor George Hascup of the College of Art, Architecture and Planning who designed the interior. Victoria Blodgett was the first Barn director and set the tone and direction of the Barn to make it what it is today. Two students, Maurice Luker and Sharon Boedo, provided outstanding leadership while working in the Office of the Dean of Students with Assistant Dean Hilary Ford.

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